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Friday, November 20, 2020

「A Reggae Session」を観た

 これ、1988年JamaicaのFort Charlesで行われたBunny Wailer、Ziggy Marley、Jimmy Cliffら等が集まったセッションが収録されたもの。後半につれて熱が上がってくるのが伝わってくる。しっかしZiggy Marley and the Melody Makersはかっこいい。
 で、特によかったのは、軽やかな動きの「Your Roots Are Reggae/Bunny Wailer」、Grooveとカリスマ性が凄い「Conscious Party/Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers」、Rock女王の声はReggaeが似合う「Waiting In Vain/Chrissie Hynde」とRhythm感がいい「Steppin' Razor/Chrissie Hynde」、あのカントリーの名曲を「Country Roads/Toots Hibbert」、アイコンだと思う「My Jamaican Guy/Grace Jones」、あらためて凄いセッションだと思う「My Blood/The Neville Brothers & Carlos Santana」、個人的にツボなメロの「Love Me/Jimmy Cliff」とあの名曲を最後は全員で「The Harder They Come/Jimmy Cliff」あたり。確かに貴重なLive映像だ。
● A Reggae Session (1988/DVD)
M-01. Buffalo Soldier/I-Threes
M-02. Your Roots Are Reggae/Bunny Wailer
M-03. Rise And Shine/Bunny Wailer
M-04. Conscious Party/Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers
M-05. Waiting In Vain/Chrissie Hynde
M-06. Steppin' Razor/Chrissie Hynde
M-07. Country Roads/Toots Hibbert
M-08. Yeah!/Toots Hibbert
M-09. My Jamaican Guy/Grace Jones
M-10. My Blood/The Neville Brothers & Carlos Santana
M-11. Hanging Fire/Jimmy Cliff
M-12. Love Me/Jimmy Cliff
M-13. The Harder They Come/Jimmy Cliff
* Starring:Jimmy Cliff,Toots Hibbert,Chrissie Hynde,Grace Jones,I-Threes,Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers,The Neville Brothers,Carlos Santana,Bunny Wailer,Sly & Robbie.
* Directed by Stephanie Benett,Thomas D.Adelman.
* Produced by Stephanie Benett,Albert Spevak.
* Dirctor of Photography:Bernard Auroux
* Rcorded & Mixed by Paul Special.
* Filmed Live at Fort Chaeles,Jamaica 1988.
* Deliah FILMS PRODUCTION (C)1988,2019 Ambassador Entertainment Inc


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